{"id":22404,"date":"2023-10-27T05:39:06","date_gmt":"2023-10-27T05:39:06","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.finoit.com\/?p=22404"},"modified":"2023-11-02T10:12:15","modified_gmt":"2023-11-02T10:12:15","slug":"right-strategy-for-modernizing-legacy-applications","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.finoit.com\/blog\/right-strategy-for-modernizing-legacy-applications\/","title":{"rendered":"Top Legacy Application Modernization Strategies – A Detailed Comparison"},"content":{"rendered":"

Modernization and migration are processes that we can find in every nook and cranny of the business world now. In a survey, 91% respondents have attested that application modernization is essential for organizational adaptability. There arrives a time when the legacy system starts crumbling down, and modernization needs strikes on the door.<\/p>\n

We remember the words of the late Mark Hurd, who led Hewlett Packard and Oracle, when discussing how modernization of legacy software applications has translated from a mere step to a bare necessity. He said, \u201cLegacy systems are a ticking time bomb. They are expensive to maintain, difficult to integrate with modern technologies, and a barrier to innovation. Modernizing these systems is essential to staying relevant and meeting the needs of today’s customers.\u201d<\/p>\n

However, modernization is never successful without a strategy, so ultimately it boils down to executing it through a process that is proven to be the best approach for a given technical scenario. Making the right choice comes with countless benefits, but walking on the wrong can prove disastrous. As Michael Porter, Harvard Business School academic has rightly remarked, \u201cthe essence of strategy lies in choosing what not to do\u201d.<\/p>\n

The success of a modernization effort hinges on choosing the right application modernization approach, one that addresses issues of scalability, agility, and productivity. We endeavor to dissect various strategies assisting you towards a future where your applications are not only up-to-date but also poised for sustained growth and innovation.<\/p>\n

To Drive Legacy Modernization is to Bring About a Sea Change<\/strong><\/h2>\n

Legacy framework, with its antiquated technologies and inflexible frameworks, can shake the technological set-up of even those that have remained focused on their technology initiatives. The key to unleashing their true potential lies in modernizing these applications.<\/p>\n

For corporations that want to modernize their legacy systems, they have to undertake a comprehensive overhaul of existing applications. The process of modernizing legacy applications comes into the picture here. It rejuvenates its technological set-up with cutting-edge technologies and aligns it with contemporary business processes. This is essential for many reasons such as thriving in a landscape where an unprecedented technological shift can occur at any time.<\/p>\n

IBM, for instance, provides a quintessential example of the monumental impact of legacy system modernization. Faced with the challenges posed by its intricate and aging IT infrastructure, IBM decided to get rid of its legacy system. The tech giant undertook the migration of critical applications and workloads to the cloud, embraced agile development methodologies, and harnessed emerging technologies such as AI and blockchain, successfully modernizing all its mainframe systems.<\/p>\n

The results for IBM were remarkable, as it witnessed a clear improvement in operational efficiency, significantly reducing the time to market for new products and services. The outcome became visible in elevated customer experience, and to an extent solidified IBM’s position in an aggressively competitive market. This modernized infrastructure empowered IBM to provide unparalleled support for its clients’ digital transformation endeavors.<\/p>\n

Why is the approach you choose for legacy app modernization important?<\/strong><\/h2>\n

IBM\u2019s transformation journey stands as a shining example of how the decision to modernize legacy applications fetches innumerable operational and business benefits. However, this journey is marked by a meticulous selection of the modernization strategy.<\/p>\n

IBM recognized that a one-size-fits-all approach wouldn’t suffice, given the diverse range of legacy systems at play. Instead, IBM carefully assessed each legacy application, considering factors such as the application’s criticality, interdependencies with other systems, and potential business impact. For instance, IBM opted for re-hosting for certain non-critical applications, moving the existing code to a more modern and efficient infrastructure without altering its core functionalities. On the other hand, for mission-critical applications, a re-architecture strategy was implemented, wherein a complete overhaul was undertaken through new technologies and architectures.<\/p>\n

In general, several key factors should be considered by corporations embarking on the journey of modernizing legacy systems. These include:<\/p>\n

– A comprehensive assessment of the existing setup through building a thorough understanding of the legacy applications’ architecture, dependencies, and business relevance.<\/p>\n

– Considering the organization’s long-term goals to build a technological roadmap.<\/p>\n

– Aligning the chosen migration strategy with the objectives, so that it not only addresses current challenges but also positions the organization for future growth.<\/p>\n

What are various legacy application modernization strategies?<\/strong><\/h2>\n

Legacy app modernization generates immense business value, but when steered with the right modernization strategy. Seeking inputs from our application modernization and migration experts at Finoit<\/a> who have dirtied their hands in several assignments across domains, we delve into standard strategic approaches to familiarize you with what each offers and how it helps in achieving modernization goals.<\/p>\n


Replatforming is best suited when the core functionality of the application is still valuable, but it needs to be migrated to a modern and efficient computing environment. The process involves several key steps. First, there’s a thorough assessment of the current platform, where you have to evaluate elements such as hardware infrastructure, operating systems, middleware, and software dependencies. The assessment identifies the specific areas where the existing platform falls short and highlights the requirements for the new environment.<\/p>\n

Now comes the most important step in the process – selecting the new platform. The choice is influenced by factors like compatibility with the application, availability of resources, budget considerations, and alignment with the organization’s broader technology strategy. The new platform could be a cloud-based service like AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud, or it might involve upgrading to a more recent on-premises solution.<\/p>\n

Compatibility and migration planning are pivotal in the process, as they ensure that the existing application and its associated components can seamlessly operate in the chosen platform. Based on the replatforming needs, you may have to perform code modifications, adjustments to configurations, or integration with external services.<\/p>\n


There are times when a legacy system will demand making structural improvements to code, however, without altering its core functionality. This process is termed refactoring and is best undertaken when a codebase becomes difficult to understand, maintain, or extend due to accumulated technical debt or evolving requirements.<\/p>\n

Refactoring could be propelled by poor initial design, rushed development, or changing business needs, creating the need for redesign and code enhancement. By improving code readability, it improves the application\u2019s performance, and makes it more robust and adaptable.<\/p>\n

The technicalities of refactoring encompass a range of practices and techniques, such as:<\/p>\n